Friday 11 October 2024



Jambhala, also known as Dzambhala, Dzambala, Zambala or Jambala means: 'The Enlightened Deity of Fortune and Wealth'.


“Jam” means “Deity or gathering”. “Bhah” means “gold or wealth”. “La” means “to honor”.

“Dzambhala” means “Precious Golden Deity, who gathers or brings the wealth of spirituality or Dharma and material security or accomplishment to our lives”.

Wealth also includes auspicious conditions, such as health, attracting helpful people and other aspects of overall “good fortune.”

Five Jambhalas.

The Five Jambhalas, deities originating from diverse teaching lineages who collectively form a mandala of bodhichitta prosperity, or enlightened mind wealth. These deities, each with their unique form and mantra, are bound by their common pursuit – to eliminate poverty and create financial security. They emanate from four of the Buddha Families, with the fifth arising from Avaolokiteshvara. All activite different methods of auspicious activity. All specialize in bringing auspiciousness for the benefit of sentient beings, but with a focus on different activities:

Yellow Jambhala, of the Ratna Jewel Family, attracts auspicious circumstances.

White Jambhala, of Buddha Family, and an emanation of Avalokiteshvara, pacifies obstacles to auspiciousness.

Green Jambhala of the Karma Family, activates all activities of wealth and prosperity.

Red Jambhala of the Padma Family, magnetizes good fortune and helpful people.

Black Jambhala, of the Vajra Family, takes the most ferocious approach, bringing power and fierceness to the activities of prosperity.




For more, click if You wish: [ Yellow Jambhala on Buddha Weekly ].

Monday 26 August 2024

Zoroastrianism & Dragon Magick of Babylon.

Zoroastrianism - common roots of Nihilism and Islam coming from Persia (Iran).

One of Nietzsche's books is called: 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra' and Zarathustra (also known as: 'Zoroaster') is a name for Leader of ancient Persian caste of Magicians-Priests called Magos, from which word: 'Mage' or 'Magician' comes.

Years ago, during a Buddhist course in Poland, I had insight (thoughts appeared in my mind) that I should study and counter Dragon Magic of Babylon for Lama Ole Nydahl, thus for whole of Buddhism as well.

Babylon was an ancient city located on the lower Euphrates river in southern Mesopotamia, within modern-day Hillah, Iraq, about 85 kilometers (55 miles) south of modern day Baghdad.

Tamed, befriended Dragon is the symbol of Protection and Magical Power, while Enemy Dragon is the symbol of Fear.

Thus - now I think - that 'Dragon Magick of Babylon' is ancient Persian Magick of Terrorism, basicly Zoroastrianism & related.

I think that I should study Hermetic Magick, of the Hermes Thrice Great (Hermes Trismegistos), as an alternative to Persian Magick. Hermes was known as Thoth in the ancient Egypt, as Hermes in ancient Greece, and as Mercury in ancient Rome. He is considered by many as deity of Magick, of Travellers and of Medicinemen/women. He was messenger of gods as well.

I think that Hermetic Magick has everything that is needed to defeat Dragons of Babylon. By Dragons, I mean scary Magicians/Priests. Both for western and eastern Buddhism, as well as for other parts of the Western World.

Wednesday 24 January 2024

An aspiration to Love beyond illusions, beyond attachments, and beyond the ego-clinging.


How to Love when one has to be free from illusory delusions, from attachments and clinging?

I do not know, but I think & try as best as i can. I aspire to understand the Enlightened Love, and to practice and prepare to practice the Enlightened, the Unconditional Love.

My current understanding is described in this article, I hope that my understanding will deepen and improve as time passes.


Beings differ from Phenomena in that beings have mind (having mind means that beings are mind and have bodies), while phenomena do not have mind.

Understanding the illusory nature of beings and phenomena means understanding that they/these will keep changing forms. This means that beings and phenomena will arise (be born), change and pass away (die). This process will keep repeating and continuing until one reaches Enlightenment, or so I think.

Time between death and rebirth is called: 'Bardo'.

Word: 'Bardo' literally means: 'between two', but - in buddhism at least - it often means one's state between death and rebirth, in short. (there are many bardo states, including: 'bardo of dying', 'bardo of meditation', 'bardo of dream', and more).

Attachment and clinging can refer to being enslaved/obsessed with someone's/something's current state, current form.

Emptiness of all beings and phenomena meanst that everything is nonpermanent, that everything changes and has 'illusory nature'.

How to be free of ego-attachment?

I think that one should understand the passing nature of one's ego, understand that one changes constantly. One should not cling to one's 'current form'. I think - but i have serious doubts on that still, so check by Yourself please - that one's body is part of the mind, that one's ego affects how one experiences body as existing in the current state, current form.

How to Love without clinging?

I think one should practice the Unconditional Love, the Enlightened Love that 'Has the Taste of Freedom'.

I think one should fight for Love instead of forcing a partner to be together with the 'other half' against his/her will.

I think that one should accept if/when a partner wishes to leave - either for a short while or for longer.

I think one should accept that Loved one will age and die, and accept that current forms will change, including the acceptance that partner's beauty will pass away with age.

One can still strive to be lover or a friend again, either in this or in next lives, I think.

I think that one should see a partner as mature person, as one who is liberated from ego, and should aspire for self-liberation as well.

Sunday 24 December 2023

Partial Information, Points of View & Too Quick Jumps to Conclusion.


Depending on a point of view, different people have different understanding than other people.

Having only a part of information can lead to different understandings.

What kind of shadow a figure below casts?

How it looks like as we imagine, when we know only it's shadow?

Sunday 11 June 2023

Praying Buddha?

... i've just seen message from HH Buddha Karmapa 17th Trinley Thaye Dorje to His students.

it ended with 'with prayers' clause.

... does Buddha really pray? seems so.

What is prayer then?

... in catholic church, prayer is speech with God.

So i've imagined that the Buddha speaks to many gods.

... i've also had thoughts - do we, lowly beings, have godly aspects in us (associated with pride)?

... does Buddha pray to our godly aspects?

... perhaps He speaks to our prideful godly aspects to let them develop as Buddha wants.

... years ago i wished to make jokes that will make Buddha and other Superior Teachers laugh. Now i play with ideas of Buddha praying to me (my godly aspect associated with pride).

... ;)

i've read in Lama Ole Nydahl book(s) that Buddha does not want followers, mindless servants - instead He wants 'grown up' partners for discussion. i imagine that servants are boring, and sometimes disgusting.

... i imagine that perhaps by making Buddha laugh, one can try to be interresting company for superiors - if only for a while.

Monday 27 February 2023

Candles, that i have so far.

Just informing my friends of what i have, in case someone needs me to light a candle for them.

... i wish that my incense, candles and crystals work as Lama Ole Nydahl wants.

... but i also wish that witch/wiccan friends have something to say about uses and goals of these candles as well.

-=- My candles. -=-

-=- For taper candles. -=-

See also, if You wish:
- Candle Magick,
- Colors.

Tuesday 21 February 2023

Buddhism-related Incense, that i have so far.

Just informing my friends of what i have, in case someone needs me to burn incense for them.

Beside these, i have some witchcraft-related incense.

... i wish that my incense, candles and crystals work as Lama Ole Nydahl wants.

So far, i have:
- Riwo Sangcho (Purification, Offerings and Wisdom),
- Manjushri (Wisdom),
- Mahakala (Protection),
- Green Tara (Calmness, Peace, Gentle & Nice feelings),
- Zambala (Wealth, both inner and external, also spending money wisely),
- Kalachakra (Kalachakra is 'wheel of time', it's also about of how to use one's time efficiently),
- Chenrezig (Compassion that includes both oneself and others),
- Satya Karma (Better karma, i think this incense can connect one with other like-minded people),
- Medicine Buddha (Health),
- More of Medicine Buddha (Health, made by Nuns of Khachoe Ghakyil Ling Nunnery),
- A few of Manipura Solar Plexus Chakra incense sticks.

I think that sometimes there are meditations and/or prayers involved in the incense making process - so perhaps there are blessings involved. :)

... i have also incense holders:

-=- 1 incense holder. -=-

-=- For Indian Incense. -=-
-=- 4 incense holders. -=-
-=- 1 large (round), 1 medium (turtle), 2 small. -=-

-=- For Nepalese & Tibetan Incense. -=-

Friday 17 February 2023

Purifying Karma without Ngöndro ... and value of non-buddhist, but nice and fine friends.

i've ordered Riwo Sangchö incense, for karma purification and also for wisdom.

'The purpose of Riwo Sangchö is to realize the perfection of wisdom, by accumulating merits through two main aspects of practice: offerings, and purification—especially of impurity and of obstructions'.

... i can't do Ngöndro (i am mentally ill, so i have mantras to practice, but meditation is disallowed for me) so I need other ways to purify karma. Perhaps burning this incense is an answer to my need to purify karma.

Why purify Karma?

One needs to help himself/herself first, when one wants to help others efficiently and wisely.

... I've considered Diamond Mind incense, but it's hard to find something at reasonable price. Plus, Riwo Sangchö offering helps to develop Wisdom beside purifying karma. Extra Wisdom will be useful, as it is not my strongest point so far.

Beside Ngöndro, there are two other ways to purify karma that I know of ... but I have mental obstacles that make practicing these difficult, to say at least:
1. How does one purify karma that causes pain?
2. Diamond Mind Mantras: OM BENZA SATO HUNG.

... it is a (Riwo Sangchö) terma that was hidden by Guru Rinpoche and revealed in the seventeenth century by the great yogin and tertön Lhatsün Namkha Jikmé (1597-1653),

... can Lama Ole Nydahl's students use it?

(Guru Rinpoche is part of Transmission Lineage in Karma Kagyu Buddhism, i hope this argument is not 'overstretch', however).

... i wish to break as little of my vows as possible, so I wish my incenses (all of my incenses, not only this one) to work as Lama Ole Nydahl wishes.

... similarly, i wish my candles and crystals to work as Lama Ole Nydahl wishes.

... my TAROT Magick however, is a tool of Witchcraft/Wicca, and should serve my Wiccan/Witch friends the most. Not only TAROT Cards, also TAROT Ritual Tools (Athamé, Chalice, Pentacles and Wand).

Hopefully they (my magical fiends) will join our Sangha, if not in this life, then in future lives. I think that we should be nice to them, i think that they are worthy of our time and efforts.

Saturday 28 January 2023

My new main Goal: Fight for Enlightened Love (for everyone).

Lama Ole Nydahl told that many are more important than one.

He also told that Karma returns - what we do for others returns to us.

So, i've decided to fight for Enlightened Love for everyone who wants. When people do not want Enlightened Love now, perhaps in future they will - not neccessarily in this life, considering reincarnation.

Fighting for Enlightened Love for myself only seems limited, slow, and stupid to me now. Fighting for benefit of many - i hope - will help me achieve my own goal of Enlightened Love faster as well.

Fighting for Unconditional Love and Conditioned Love also is part of fight for Enlightened Love, i think.

... i think that i've heard that Lama Ole said that Islam and Muslims harm women. Not sure about exact wording, however.

... i trust Lama Ole Nydahl's wise words, so i believe in them - at least for now.

Buddhism is Not a Religion of Faith however, and i think that Buddhas and Lama Ole want us to check if their words are indeed true in modern times still.

As time passess, reality changes after all.

Not all of lessons are timeless and absolute, after all.

... i trust that Buddhas and Lama Ole Nydahl are not afraid of criticism.

... so i want to (finally) read Lama Ole Nydahl's book: 'Buddha & Love', and then read also Qur'an.

... i want to check if Islam is indeed main obstacle for Enlightened Love, and which parts of it are tolerable and which parts of it are not tolerable.

Then i wish to take action, as needed.

... will i resort to violence? i hope it won't be neccessary.

... but i think i should - and will - talk openly my own opinions, at least.

Thursday 26 January 2023

More than One.

Since a while i didn't make a significiant progress in the Buddhism Way.

Then i started to read book: 'Being Useful', an interview with Lama Ole Nydahl.
Book is written in a polish language, it's polish title is: 'Być pożytecznym'.

... understanding came to me again, understanding that i care too little about others - and think too much about myself and my own goals. Despite some efforts, i also am too proud, subconsciously assuming that i am 'better than others' - an attitude that i'm trying to avoid.

In various books, Lama Ole Nydahl wrote many truths, including:
- Many people are more important than one person,
- Those who focus on one's own life have problems to solve. Those who focus on benefit of many, have exciting goals to achieve,
- Everyone has Buddha Nature, potential to become Enlightened.

... i was focusing on trying to find a way to become thinner, mostly diet but also a bit of physical exercises. i was also wishing for succes in enlightened love, success for me and for a buddhist woman i love - together.

... i've been using the OM MANI PEME HUNG mantra to develop compassion, but forgot to try see positive, beautiful aspects of others and myself.

Now, thanks for this book mentioned earlier, made some subtle but important changes to my attitude:
- i wish slim, thin, attractive body - not only for myself, but also for those who wish so. that is, changed focus from myself to 'us',
- i wish success in enlightened love - not only for myself, but also for those who wish so. focus change again.
- started to try see positive, beautiful aspects in everyone again ... even if it's 'only' our inherent Buddha Nature.

Hope this will help the world to be a little better, more compassionate and more beautiful.


Tuesday 17 January 2023

Bought 'Being Useful' - book by Lama Ole Nydahl. Why So Late?

(PL) Od ok. 10 lat nosiłem się.z kupnem tej książki. Głosy w głowie mówiły mi żeby nie, że będę nadużywał lekcji z tej książki, że i tak jestem pożyteczny. Ostatnio pojawił się głos mówiący że Lama Ole Nydahl chce żebym kupił - i tak się stało. Nareszcie! 🙂

... nie udało mi się znaleźć angielskojęzycznej wersji książki (żeby cytaty w internecie były przetłumaczone bezbłędnie).

(EN) Since about 10 years I wanted to buy this book ('Being Useful' by Lama Ole Nydahl). Voices in my head told me to not to, that I'll be abusing lessons from this book, that I am useful anyway. Recently new voice appeared, telling me that Lama Ole Nydahl wants me to buy - and it happened. At last! 🙂

... couldn't find english version of this book (useful for quoting the book in the internet, to avoid translation errors).

Sunday 17 July 2022

Buddha Vairocana & Mantras.

Why Vairocana Way?

Is it wise to follow Vairocana Way?

With no noticeable development as of late, i started to feel that Buddhism became boring for me.

So i 'grabbed' Vairocana Mantra, Mantra for Greater Wisdom.

Is it wise to learn Wisdom?

Is this Wisdom too difficult to understand by someone on my current stage of development?

Will it harm Love?

... i've decided to pursue this path on condition that Love won't be harmed, won't be hurt.

Buddha Vairocana.

Buddha Vairocana is the primordial, fundamental Buddha of the Universe – The Cosmic Buddha, and He is seen as the embodiment of the Buddhist concept of Emptiness.

The name 'Vairocana' translates as 'embodiment of light' or 'luminous' in ancient Sanskrit.

He represents the conversion of ignorance into wisdom.

Vairocana Mantra.

'it is acknowledged in Shingon Buddhism that if a practitioner recites this mantra with sincere devotion, clarity of mind, and correct pronunciation, Vairocana Buddha will place his seal upon the practitioner, hence dispelling all delusion and ignorance, and bestows long life, compassion, peace of mind and serenity.'

Mantra Lyrics:

'Om namo bhagavate sarva durgati parisodhana rajaya tathagatayarhate samyaksambudhaya tadyatha Om sodhane sodhane sarva papam visodhana suddhe visuddhe sarva karmavarana visodhanaye svaha!'


'May all sentient beings have happiness and its causes,
May all sentient beings be free of suffering and its causes,
May all sentient beings never be separated from bliss without suffering,
May all sentient beings be in equanimity, free of bias, attachment, and anger.'

Mantra of Light.

'Oṃ! Amogha vairocana, maha-mudra, mani-padma, jvala pravartaya hum!'


'Om! Invincible Vairocana, the Great Seal, the Gem Lotus, the Flame, come forth, hum!'


> [ Buddha Vairocana (Kunrig) Maha Mantra – The Mantra of Light: Meaning & Benefits - on Awakening State ],
> [ Maha Vairocana (Kunrig) Buddha Mantra / Mantra of Light / on Insight State ].