Wednesday 16 October 2024

Self-Improvement and Mind States.

I think and feel that we - living beings (humans,animals,deities,etc...) - are Mind(s), and have bodies.

Self-improvement and self-transformation would be changing one's Mind State from 'State A' to 'State B'.

This can also be explained as that one's state can move from 'Point A' to 'Point B'. One's Mind state can 'move' between Points A & B like a pawn in the board game, possibly crossing through more points (Point C, Point D, Point E... etc) in process, before reaching the desired 'Point B'. One's current Mind's state would be determined by pawn's current position.

Transition between Mind states (moving from 'Point' A to 'Point B') can be triggered by (almost) anything one experiences. From hearing a buddhist lecture, to crossing the street, participating in karate lesson, speaking a Mantra, watching theatre play, drinking water, observing a holy paint (thangka), lighting a candle, etc... Sometimes, however, one's experience doesn't result in such transition, or - more precisely - it triggers transition from 'Point A' to 'Point A', so nothing changes, practically speaking - except for having time to pass during such 'empty transition'.

Not every transition is beneficial, resulting in self-improvement. Some transitions are either 'neutral' or 'detrimential', resulting in downfall instead of development.

One's Mind state determines many aspect of one's being and perceptions. Whether one is in Europe or Asia, whether one feels joy or sadness, whether one experiences world as Hell or Zoo or even the 'Pure Land' - it's all included in one's Mind State.

I feel that death itself, and rebirth, are also Mind State transformations. During the moment of death one's mind state changes and one perceives world 'around' differently, like one would 'teleport' to another world. Same with the moment of rebirth and other bardo state changes.

For more about bardo states, feel free to read: 'Fearless Death' book by Lama Ole Nydahl.

Many won't understand this sadly, but I think that Mind behaves in a similar way as 'Finite State Machine(s)' in the Computer Sciences - except for that Mind is Limitless, is Infinite like an Open Space.

I think and feel that many would use words: 'Complex Machine(s)' instead of 'Finite State Machine(s)' when explaining the Mind's behaviour.

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