Tuesday 15 August 2017

Adjusting to Reality Changes.

HH Buddha Karmapa 17th Trinley Thaye Dorje, with the Dorje in his hand.

Dorje is the symbol of industrictability & firmness of the buddha state.

Dorje symbolizes also unity between two contradiction.

In a buddhist ceremony dorje held in right hand symbolizes masculine qualities
(compassion expressed through skillful means).
In the same ceremony it's completed by a bell in left hand - feminine qualities
(wisdom & space).
Together these represent enlightened mind.


It is the Buddha's Teaching that nothing conditioned is permanent.

As conditions arise, hold or cease to hold, reality changes.

As reality changes, one should adjust his or her way to benefit as many beings as possible in the shortest time possible - it's the skillful way.

How to adjust?

i've looked at HH Buddha Karmapa 17th Trinley Thaye Dorje's image, bowed my head, and spoke following mantras:

OM AH HUNG BENZA GURU PEMA SIDDHI HUNG - asking for lessons from the Lama.

OM A RA PA CA NA DHIH - asking for wisdom,
OM MANI PEME HUNG - asking for a way that includes compassion,
MA DAG MA - asking for a way that includes Mahakala's Powerful Protection.

My intent was to adjust to a current situation, to help as many beings as possible - in the shortest time possible.

Mantras affect mind-state, what happens in mind then develops in Speech & Body (Actions).

i hope that this practice will help me to adjust, to be more skillful as needed.

i am quite flexible, i can adjust my ways - retaining only one wish for Enlightened Love (i know with who) - i can use old ways, or learn new ways as needed.

Insights (thoughts arising in my mind) told me that i'll adjust, that i should observe & learn during whole process.

Perhaps i should practice this way more often in future?

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