Saturday 28 July 2018

Turning Anger against Self.


Too much of anger is a trap.

As one releases anger, one often loses control and does harmful things to oneself and to others, seeding bad karma in one's own store consciousness.

Eventually that karma will emerge from store consciousness and one will face unpleasant results.

More than that, as one loses control one struggles in a blind, painful fight ... and results are miserable. That way one is punished by one's own anger.

How to handle anger?

'Here Buddha's advice is to develop compassion for others and to understand that maybe those who make mistakes cannot help it.'

-- Quoted from 'The Way Things Are' book by Lama Ole Nydahl.

'One's handling of disturbing emotions on the thrid and ultimate level is often explained metaphorically: one lets the thief enter an empty house. This means not giving one's enemies any nourishment and strength. One simply and tenaciously continues doing what lies in front of one's nose and behaves like an elephant pricked by thorns. Though thorns are there, one stays "cool and calm" and is aware of of the strength of their skin. They don't give the disturbing emotions any power. Seeing one's disturbing emotions like a silly film on TV that one doesn't need to watch also gives mind its wished-for space. After repeated appearances in varying costumes, but with decreasing success, the disturbing emotions gradually stay away. Their power dwindles and, when they lose their influence, one may even give them useful, but uncomfortable jobs: in the case of waning anger - wash the car; in the case of jealousy - clean the toilet; in the case of confusion - answer some mail; and so forth. Chores like these, habitually enforced, encourage mental trips to quickly flee'.

-- Quoted from 'Buddha & Love' book by Lama Ole Nydahl.

Aside from these methods, i've experienced that it might be useful to calmly & wisely release a small amounts of anger at one's own self's parts. Like in martial arts, when one strikes, one breathes out and releases a little of anger, sometimes as part of Kiai, battle shout. One can shout HUNG mantra as a battle shout as well.

But how this relates with one's self?

When a cause of anger-arousing troubles originates in one's mind / more precisely: in one's self /, one can perceive it quickly if one observes mind.

One should never accept bad mental trips, one should develop distance & criticism to what appears in one's mind.

One can develop intent of attacking these causes of troubles, breathe out a small & controlled amount of anger while thinking or speaking the HUNG mantra.

Invoking Mahakala, with mantra OM MAHAKALAYE SOHA might help as well.





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