Sunday 19 August 2018

Greed, Stupidity and Dana Offering.

Dana practice is generosity practice in Buddhism, one can gain merit by offering.

Traditional offerings include:
- Food,
- Water,
- Clothing,
- Flowers & Fragrance,
- Candles & Light.

There's also wisdom that explains that with amounts, quantity can be transformed to quality increase.

Perhaps a silly example that bothers me since years is about my offering of Chea's Journal art-resources, with attached characters & their possessions, that i've offered for HH Buddha Karmapa 17th Trinley Thaye Dorje.

In my mind bothersome thoughts keep appearing since years. These voices of various people from Lama Ole's Sangha keep wanting to claim magic items of my characters, as well as gold pieces that my characters possess. These thoughts explain that with quantity increase, quality will appear and these computer game valuables & currencies can be transformed to real money. Perhaps it's possible to sell these for real money, and these thoughts say that they need a lot of money, and that i should share because they are more realized than i.

Sometimes these want to share part with Buddha, occasionally however they don't tell anything about this.

These thoughts in my mind slander and jest at my efforts to create art for kids, art that should direct them for Real Buddhism and Esoterics - instead of playing computer games so much. These thoughts want to force me to play in excess, to make me fat person unprepared for Enlightened Love, to sell all that's valuable and claim for themselves, to slander, jest and insult me for my efforts.

... i think these art-resources have uses in Greater Arts, that these are half-products for other Buddhist & Esoteric Artists - so these are worth far more in Artists' toolboxes than in hands of other players, than market's value estimation would suggest.

i offer a lot of things - mostly for Buddhas, for Lama Ole and for a Buddhist woman i Love.

... instead of a support, of return, i suffer from inner abuses - these thoughts are quite stupid, egoistic and greedy.

When i do something beneficial, without thinking of myself, thoughts want me to keep doing this indefinitely - even at cost of my sanity & well being.

When i give a little, i feel inner pressures to do it even more, more, and more ... until i fall into troubles, and even further than that.

Another example is the 'Project Wraithstar' gift for Lama Ole Nydahl and for a Buddhist woman i Love - thoughts in my mind want to receive only benefits, without suffering any of possible, even if only imagined - costs. So i am forced by my thoughts to work, to celebrate each small success by eating in excess, or by smoking cigarettes - even when it harms my health & well-being.

... is it wise to forget about oneself when one practices Dana, and Four Immeasurables?

... perhaps yes, but not when others only take, without returning the favour.

I've heard on a Buddhist lecture that energy sent will return to one at a certain point in time - but so far, it doesn't seem it will happen in this life.

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