Sunday 17 June 2018

Reducing on Esoterics.

A quote.

'Until recently most available spiritual books were unclear mix of anything exotic and New Age.

Only experienced teachers and their well trained groups could cut through such confusion effectively, protecting mental health, and saving precious time.

But these warnings to solitary practitioners are not the only possible cautions.

Once well embarked on an established road to enlightenment, there still lurk two misleading exits on the highway to enlightenment that are not easily recognized if one does not share growth with a group.

The first is a non-discriminating approach to the soft sciences, a seductive but dangerous exit.

Of course, after becoming Buddhist it makes sense to continue to use of skills like healing powers and a knowledge of astrology, at least as long as they are interresting and can be directed into a Buddhist context without confusing one's meditation or view.

But if in the process one forgets the ultimate goal, enlightenment for the benefit of all, a most precious opportunity is wasted and may not be found again for lifetimes.

The second slippery exit is the targeted attachment to warmly welcomed experiences.

Holding onto them or hoping for them to return can seriously block a person's development and, above all, scare bright people away.

Because all experiences are unfathomable and unsteady, the wish to repeat them always ultimately leads to discouragement.

Trying to carry along the milestones of the past and living in what once was not only mentally develops arms like a gorilla, but the habit blocks progress.'

-- Quoted from 'The Way Things Are' book by Lama Ole Nydahl.


Part of my way is esoterics, but recently it became too heavy burden, like a metal ball chained to legs that hinders progress.

When i tried to practice digital arts, mind states hindered me in that, trying to discourage - with insights explaining that it takes too much of time, which could be spent on esoterics.

Earlier i had to reduce on Martial Arts because of Esoterics, as well - even that Martial Arts are advised for those who practice Magick.

i prefer art & beauty more than power, so when esoterics hinders my progress in art - i have to resign.

i am reducing on esoterics, and on lessons from teachers of Buddhist Esoterics - like of Mira Boboli.

Esoteric Lessons put me into troubles - not only financial, and Art is far more important for me.

i won't let 'Art of Magick & Light' change into 'Way of Magick & Light'.

Speech Practice, including Artful Expression is the important part of Buddhism, which works on Mind, Speech and Body Levels.

Speech & Art are the Holy Practice, afterall - not only because Lessons are better transmitted with developed Art & Speech.

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