Tuesday, 10 December 2024

Wish for Good Karma, Good Food.


I think that people should not treat their stomachs as trashcans.

I wish that friends (of both genders), teachers and gurus eat something good. Not neccessarily today, and not neccessarily only once.

I think that eating well is a good karma, and am eagerly waiting for return of that karma to me. ;)

Monday, 2 December 2024

Black Crown.


Black Crown (Tib. Shwa nag): the special attribute of the Karmapas. Signifying the power to help all beings and the Master Buddha Activity, the dakinis bestowed this powerfield on Karmapa at his enlightenment several thousand years ago. It is constantly above his head and only visible to highly accomplished beings. During the time of the 5th Karmapa, the Chinese Emperor had a replica of the powerfield of the Black Crown made for the Karmapa, which he uses during the Crown Ceremony. Seeing or meditating on the Black Crown causes an openness that allows one to purify the deepest levels of mind and to realize its nature. One can even reach liberation merely by seeing it. The Black Crown is one of the treasures of the Karma Kagyu lineage.

-- Quoted from 'Buddha & Love' by Lama Ole Nydahl.

Blog author's comments.

Recently I had insights (thoughts appearing in mind).

I had insights that sometimes buddha blesses his students with Black Crown's blessing.

This works as the preparation for a student to be a king on one or more of his/her way(s).

Black Crown, it's essence being the powerfield generated by the activities of buddha & parts of sangha, prepares student for being a 'king' on one or more of his or her way(s). This also means that one's skillful methods, such as, for example - piloting an airplane, computer(s) hacking, martial arts philosophy, magick, or polishing diamonds - reaches mastery level that allows one to be highly efficient in this role.

Once Black Crown's blessing makes one to be realized as a king, one takes this responsibility of helping being(s) while in this role (king's role).

I think that I have Black Crown blessing for the way of computer-oriented magician (I want to be Red Team Hacker, and Virtual Adept as well) with martial arts philosophy.

I think that martial arts philosophy can be abstracted, and can be used with any way of life. Martial arts philosophy includes critical and honest introspection & strategy ('know yourself, know enemy'), and many other wisdoms that can help one to overcome his or her limits and prepare for facing life's difficult moments, hardships.

I think that martial arts philosophy can make one strong, can make one to keep improving, make him or her to be better and better person as life progresses, can be beautiful as well.

- Powerfield (Mandala),
- Buddha,
- Sangha,
- Virtual Adepts, computer-oriented Magicians,
- Technocracy & Artificial Intelligence - related Threats,
- Purpose of Martial Arts.

Sunday, 1 December 2024

Hossen & Mondō: Dharma Duelling in Zen Buddhism.


Dharma Dueling (jap. hossen): a verbal joust or battle of "wit" as respects the Dharma, usually between two enlightened persons. In practice it is sometimes difficult to draw a clear distinction between hossen and mondō, but generally speaking, a mondō involves only a question and an answer, while a hossen can develop into an extended encounter. Dharma dueling is the typical Zen method of demonstrating Truth without recourse to logical conceptions. See also: "mondō".

-- Quoted from "The Three Pillars of Zen" by Roshi Philip Kapleau.

Mondō (literally, "question and answer"): a uniquely Zen type of dialogue between a master and a student wherein the student asks a question on Buddhism which has deeply perplexed him, and the master, skirting theory and logic, replies in such a way as to evoke an answer from the deeper levels of the student's intuitive mind. See also: "Dharma Duelling".

-- Quoted from "The Three Pillars of Zen" by Roshi Philip Kapleau.

- Dharma.

Wednesday, 27 November 2024

Six Realms of Existence in Zen Buddhism.

A quote.

'Six Realms of Existence:

In ascending scale these are the six realms of:
- hell,
- pretas (or hungry ghosts),
- beasts,
- asuras (or fighting demons),
- human beings,
- devas (or heavenly beings),

All creatures in these realms are tied to the ceaseless round of birth-and-death, that is, to the law of causation, according to which existence on any one of these planes is determined by antecedent actions.

In Buddhism these planes are depicted as the spokes or segments of the 'wheel of life.' This 'wheel' is set in motion by actions stemming from our basic ignorance of the true nature of existence and by karmic propensities from an incalculable past, and kept revolving by our craving for the pleasures of the senses and by our clinging to them, which leads to an unending cycle of births, deaths, and rebirths to which we remain bound.

The Six Realms are the worlds of the unenlightened.

Buddhism also speaks of four realms of enlightened existence, sometimes called the "four holy states". In ascending order, these are the worlds of:
- sravakas,
- pratyekabuddhas,
- bodhisattvas,
- full buddhas.

A sravaka is one who hears the teaching of the Buddha and accepts it into his heart, thereby attaining enlightenment. Prateyakabuddhas ("private buddhas") are those who carry on solitary practice and reach enlightenment without a teacher.

Finally. at the highest two levels of enlightened existence are Bodhisattvas and full Buddhas.

Unlike those in the lower Six Realms, the enlightened know the joy of inward peace and creative freedom because, having overcome their ignorance and delusion through Knowledge, they are freed from enslavement to karmic propensities arising from past delusive actions, and no longer sow seeds which will bear fruit in the form of new karmic bondage.

Enlightenment, however, does not suspend the law of cause and effect.

When the enlightened man cuts his finger it bleeds, when he eats bad food his stomach aches.

He too cannot escape the consequences of his actions.

The difference is that because he accepts - that is, sees into - his karma he is no longer bound by it, but moves freely within it.

-- Quoted from: 'The Three Pillars of Zen' by Roshi Philip Kapleau.
(I've reformatted the text to be easier to read, and omitted the language translation comments).

Delusion & Illusion in Zen Buddhism.

A quote.

'Delusion, Illusion:

To be deluded is to be totally deceived. Delusion implies a belief in something that is contrary to reality.

Illusion, on the other hand, suggests that what is seen has objective reality but is misinterpreted or seen falsely.

In Buddhism, delusion is ignorance, an unawareness of the true nature of thing or of the real meaning of existence.

We are deluded or led astray by our senses (which include the intellect and discriminating thoughts) insofar as they cause us to accept the phenomenal world as the Whole of reality when in fact it is but a limited and ephemeral aspect of reality, and to act as though the world is external to us when in truth it is but a reflection of ourselves. This does not mean that the relative world has no reality whatever.

When the masters say all phenomena are illusory, they mean that compared with Mind itself the world apprehended by the senses in such a partial and limited aspect of Truth that it is dreamlike.

See also: "Six Realms of Existence"'.

-- Quoted from: 'The Three Pillars of Zen' by Roshi Pilip Kapleau.
(I've reformatted the text to be easier to read).

- Ego, Delusions, Stiff Ideas & Mind's Veils,
- Reality is Illusion, Worldly Knowledge is Delusions,
- Emptiness, Interdependence, Equanimity & Illusory Nature of Reality.

Friday, 22 November 2024

Diamond Way (Vajrayana Buddhism).


Diamond Way (Skt. Vajrayana / Tib. Dorje Thegpa): also called Tantrayana and Mantrayana. It is the highest view within the Great Way (Skt. Mahayana). With enlightened mind as the basis, the profound and fast methods of the Diamond Way turn the goal - full enlightenment - into the path. Utilizing methods of identification, it can only be practiced with a teacher (lama) and the view of seeing everything as fundamentally pure.

-- Quoted from: 'Buddha & Love' by Lama Ole Nydahl.

Pure View: the view in the Diamond Way. One practices seeing the world and all beings as the self-liberating play of space.

-- Quoted from: 'Buddha & Love' by Lama Ole Nydahl.

Tantra, Tantric, Buddhist (Skt.):
1. The path in which identification with enlightenment and holding the pure view are the most important methods. The goal, buddhahood, becomes the path. A fast way to enlightenment, the prerequisites are: pure view, confidence in one's own mind and in one's lama, and a compassionate and courageous attitude (enlightened mind).
2. The tantras are the individual teachings given by the Buddha on the Diamond Way level, e.g. the Tantra of the Buddha of Highest Bliss (Skt. Chakrasamvara Tantra).

-- Quoted from: 'Buddha & Love' by Lama Ole Nydahl.

Mantra (Tib. Ngag): the vibration of a buddha form. Reciting a mantra activates the buddha form's powerfield. Many Diamond Way meditations have a phase where mantras are repeated.

-- Quoted from: 'Buddha & Love' by Lama Ole Nydahl.

- Small Way (Hinayana),
- Great Way (Mahayana).

Sunday, 17 November 2024

Great Way (Mahayana Buddhism).


'Great Way (Skt. Mahayana / Tib. Thegchen): the way of the bodhisattvas. It can be approached from either sutra or tantra level. Either way, one strives for enlightenment for the benefit of all beings.

In the sutra way, compassion and wisdom are deepened through study, analysis and meditation over a long time, which then culminates into insight. The Great Way is sometimes used as an alternative to sutra.'

-- Quoted from: 'Buddha & Love' by Lama Ole Nydahl.

- Nirvana.
- Small Way (Hinayana),
- Diamond Way (Vajrayana).



'Samsara (Tib. Khorwa): the cycle of existence. Involuntary reincarnation in conditioned states, also failing to master the world of experience.'

-- Quoted from: 'Buddha & Love' by Lama Ole Nydahl.



'Nirvana (Tib. Nyang ngen le depa): in general it is liberation from suffering in samsara.

In the Great Way, it is the state of perfect buddahood.

Great Nirvana (non-clinging), is the state beyond samsara and nirvana, to rest in that which is. In this state, if nothing happens, it is the space of mind. If something happens, it is the free play of mind. If nothing appears, it is mind's space essence. If something appears, be it outer or inner, it is mind's free play. And the fact that all experiences can appear is mind's unlimited expression.'

-- Quoted from: 'Buddha & Love' by Lama Ole Nydahl.

Blog author's comments.

Nirvana (Sanskrit) can be translated to Nibbāna (Pali).

Nirvana means extinguishing the fevers of greed, hate, and delusion, the three roots of suffering.

- Dana, Sila & Bhavana (The Way leading to Nirvana).

Dana, Sila & Bhavana.


It's worthwhile to combine generosity with ethics and mind development, when one wants to improve his/her karma efficiently. This liberating practice eventually leads to development of Nibbāna.

Nirvana (Sanskrit) and Nibbāna (Pali) means extinguishing the fevers of greed, hate, and delusion, the three roots of suffering.

Dana (generosity), sila (morality or virtue), and bhavana (meditation / mind development) are key components of wholesome actions leading to positive results, eventually leading one to the mind state where one is free from suffering.

- Puñña Kamma – Dāna, Sīla, Bhāvanā.



Bhāvanā (Pali; Sanskrit, also bhāvana) literally means "development" or "cultivating" or "producing" in the sense of "calling into existence."

The word bhavana normally appears in conjunction with another word forming a compound phrase such as Citta-bhavana (the development or cultivation of the heart/mind) or Metta-bhavana (the development/cultivation of loving kindness).

When used on its own bhavana signifies 'spiritual cultivation' generally.

Bhavana is general term for any type of meditational practice involving continuous attention by the mind to any suitable object.

The two main types of meditation practiced in exoteric (form; outer/material) Buddhism are shamatha (calming) and vipashyana (insight) meditation, while in esoteric (essence; inner/spiritual) Buddhism various forms of visualization are used along with the methods practiced in exoteric Buddhism.


Bhāvanā is often found in a compound phrase indicating personal, intentional effort over time with respect to the development of that particular faculty.

For instance, in the literature one can find the following compounds:

Citta-bhāvanā, translated as "development of mind" or "development of consciousness."
kāya-bhāvanā, translated as "development of body."
mettā-bhāvanā, translated as the "cultivation" or "development of Loving-kindness."
paññā-bhāvanā, translated as "development of Wisdom" or "development of understanding."
Samādhi-bhāvanā, translated as "development of tranquil-Wisdom."

Samatha-bhāvanā, meaning the development of tranquility.
vipassanā-bhāvanā, meaning the development of insight.

It's the cultivation (bhavana) of a broad range of skills, covering everything from worldview, to ethics, livelihood and Mindfulness.

- Dana, Sila & Bhavana.

Saturday, 9 November 2024

Diamond Mind.



Diamond Mind (Tibetan: Dorje Sempa, Sanskrit: Vajrasattva): The buddha representing the purifying power of all buddhas. He is in the Joy State, white in color, and depicted sitting in either full meditation or the activity posture. His right hand holds a dorje to his heart and left hand holds a bell at his hip.

-- Quoted from 'The Way Things Are' book by Lama Ole Nydahl.

Blog Author's comment.

Meditation on Diamond Mind is second part of the Four Foundational Practices (Ngöndro) that prepares for Great Seal.

Diamond Mind Meditation purifies strongly one's Karma, working even during one's sleep. That's why one who practices it suffers from nightmares during sleep. I think it's better to suffer during sleep than when awake - that way one's life is not ruined so much from painful mental states.

Wednesday, 6 November 2024


In Buddhism, word: 'Invocation' means:

Short spoken or written meditation on a buddha aspect to evoke his powerfield
and to experience the qualities embodied by it in one's own development.

-- Quoted from 'The Way Things Are' book by Lama Ole Nydahl.

See also, if you wish: Mahakala Invocation.

Friday, 18 October 2024

Limited Omniscience - Is Buddha All-Knowing?

Mind's Potential.

On an one of Buddhist lectures that i participated in, I've heard that Mind knows everything and enables anything.

Enabling is not automatic success yet, almost always one's wishes won't be fulfilled without serious fight for them. I think that Buddhism gives one tools for fulfilling any wish, but the price is often enormous.

Limited Omniscience.

What follows is only my own understanding, I do not know how close it is to the Truth.

Based on my observations of my own underdeveloped Buddhist Mind, I think that in a way Buddha is all-knowing.

I think that Buddha understands world & reality abstractly, and can at any moment know any detail that being(s) know.

It's limited omniscience, but I think that beings have right for privacy if they want and need it.

Perhaps when I develop more, i will understand Buddha's Mind better.

Perhaps it's far better than how i see it for now.

Wednesday, 16 October 2024

Wish for Thinking.


I think I can think.

Wishes, Feels & Sentiments.

I wish to be Buddhist/Wiccan Thinker (Intellectual) on Mahakala (Protector's) Way.

I wish to be Wise, Intelligent and Compassionate Thinker, with a healthy distance to sentimentalism.

I wish to be a Bodhisattva (one who helps to make world better, one who follows the Way to Enlightenment for benefit of all beings) on Diamond Way Buddhism's Level on Thinker's Way.

I feel that even Basic Thinker's Mental Apparatus On Diamond Way Buddhism's Level consists of many very expensive lessons. I do not want to be a parasite, however. I feel that I should be cost-efficient Thinker Aspirant and i Wish for that as well. (I think that Aspirant is Ambitious, Beneficial and Hard Working Person).

... Is it only wishful thinking?

Self-Improvement and Mind States.

I think and feel that we - living beings (humans,animals,deities,etc...) - are Mind(s), and have bodies.

Self-improvement and self-transformation would be changing one's Mind State from 'State A' to 'State B'.

This can also be explained as that one's state can move from 'Point A' to 'Point B'. One's Mind state can 'move' between Points A & B like a pawn in the board game, possibly crossing through more points (Point C, Point D, Point E... etc) in process, before reaching the desired 'Point B'. One's current Mind's state would be determined by pawn's current position.

Transition between Mind states (moving from 'Point' A to 'Point B') can be triggered by (almost) anything one experiences. From hearing a buddhist lecture, to crossing the street, participating in karate lesson, speaking a Mantra, watching theatre play, drinking water, observing a holy paint (thangka), lighting a candle, etc... Sometimes, however, one's experience doesn't result in such transition, or - more precisely - it triggers transition from 'Point A' to 'Point A', so nothing changes, practically speaking - except for having time to pass during such 'empty transition'.

Not every transition is beneficial, resulting in self-improvement. Some transitions are either 'neutral' or 'detrimential', resulting in downfall instead of development.

One's Mind state determines many aspect of one's being and perceptions. Whether one is in Europe or Asia, whether one feels joy or sadness, whether one experiences world as Hell or Zoo or even the 'Pure Land' - it's all included in one's Mind State.

I feel that death itself, and rebirth, are also Mind State transformations. During the moment of death one's mind state changes and one perceives world 'around' differently, like one would 'teleport' to another world. Same with the moment of rebirth and other bardo state changes.

For more about bardo states, feel free to read: 'Fearless Death' book by Lama Ole Nydahl.

Many won't understand this sadly, but I think that Mind behaves in a similar way as 'Finite State Machine(s)' in the Computer Sciences - except for that Mind is Limitless, is Infinite like an Open Space.

I think and feel that many would use words: 'Complex Machine(s)' instead of 'Finite State Machine(s)' when explaining the Mind's behaviour.

Friday, 11 October 2024



Jambhala, also known as Dzambhala, Dzambala, Zambala or Jambala means: 'The Enlightened Deity of Fortune and Wealth'.


“Jam” means “Deity or gathering”. “Bhah” means “gold or wealth”. “La” means “to honor”.

“Dzambhala” means “Precious Golden Deity, who gathers or brings the wealth of spirituality or Dharma and material security or accomplishment to our lives”.

Wealth also includes auspicious conditions, such as health, attracting helpful people and other aspects of overall “good fortune.”

Five Jambhalas.

The Five Jambhalas, deities originating from diverse teaching lineages who collectively form a mandala of bodhichitta prosperity, or enlightened mind wealth. These deities, each with their unique form and mantra, are bound by their common pursuit – to eliminate poverty and create financial security. They emanate from four of the Buddha Families, with the fifth arising from Avaolokiteshvara. All activite different methods of auspicious activity. All specialize in bringing auspiciousness for the benefit of sentient beings, but with a focus on different activities:

Yellow Jambhala, of the Ratna Jewel Family, attracts auspicious circumstances.

White Jambhala, of Buddha Family, and an emanation of Avalokiteshvara, pacifies obstacles to auspiciousness.

Green Jambhala of the Karma Family, activates all activities of wealth and prosperity.

Red Jambhala of the Padma Family, magnetizes good fortune and helpful people.

Black Jambhala, of the Vajra Family, takes the most ferocious approach, bringing power and fierceness to the activities of prosperity.




For more, click if You wish: [ Yellow Jambhala on Buddha Weekly ].

Monday, 26 August 2024

Zoroastrianism & Dragon Magick of Babylon.

Zoroastrianism - common roots of Nihilism and Islam coming from Persia (Iran).

One of Nietzsche's books is called: 'Thus Spoke Zarathustra' and Zarathustra (also known as: 'Zoroaster') is a name for Leader of ancient Persian caste of Magicians-Priests called Magos, from which word: 'Mage' or 'Magician' comes.

Years ago, during a Buddhist course in Poland, I had insight (thoughts appeared in my mind) that I should study and counter Dragon Magic of Babylon for Lama Ole Nydahl, thus for whole of Buddhism as well.

Babylon was an ancient city located on the lower Euphrates river in southern Mesopotamia, within modern-day Hillah, Iraq, about 85 kilometers (55 miles) south of modern day Baghdad.

Tamed, befriended Dragon is the symbol of Protection and Magical Power, while Enemy Dragon is the symbol of Fear.

Thus - now I think - that 'Dragon Magick of Babylon' is ancient Persian Magick of Terrorism, basicly Zoroastrianism & related.

I think that I should study Hermetic Magick, of the Hermes Thrice Great (Hermes Trismegistos), as an alternative to Persian Magick. Hermes was known as Thoth in the ancient Egypt, as Hermes in ancient Greece, and as Mercury in ancient Rome. He is considered by many as deity of Magick, of Travellers and of Medicinemen/women. He was messenger of gods as well.

I think that Hermetic Magick has everything that is needed to defeat Dragons of Babylon. By Dragons, I mean scary Magicians/Priests. Both for western and eastern Buddhism, as well as for other parts of the Western World.

Wednesday, 24 January 2024

An aspiration to Love beyond illusions, beyond attachments, and beyond the ego-clinging.


How to Love when one has to be free from illusory delusions, from attachments and clinging?

I do not know, but I think & try as best as i can. I aspire to understand the Enlightened Love, and to practice and prepare to practice the Enlightened, the Unconditional Love.

My current understanding is described in this article, I hope that my understanding will deepen and improve as time passes.


Beings differ from Phenomena in that beings have mind (having mind means that beings are mind and have bodies), while phenomena do not have mind.

Understanding the illusory nature of beings and phenomena means understanding that they/these will keep changing forms. This means that beings and phenomena will arise (be born), change and pass away (die). This process will keep repeating and continuing until one reaches Enlightenment, or so I think.

Time between death and rebirth is called: 'Bardo'.

Word: 'Bardo' literally means: 'between two', but - in buddhism at least - it often means one's state between death and rebirth, in short. (there are many bardo states, including: 'bardo of dying', 'bardo of meditation', 'bardo of dream', and more).

Attachment and clinging can refer to being enslaved/obsessed with someone's/something's current state, current form.

Emptiness of all beings and phenomena meanst that everything is nonpermanent, that everything changes and has 'illusory nature'.

How to be free of ego-attachment?

I think that one should understand the passing nature of one's ego, understand that one changes constantly. One should not cling to one's 'current form'. I think - but i have serious doubts on that still, so check by Yourself please - that one's body is part of the mind, that one's ego affects how one experiences body as existing in the current state, current form.

How to Love without clinging?

I think one should practice the Unconditional Love, the Enlightened Love that 'Has the Taste of Freedom'.

I think one should fight for Love instead of forcing a partner to be together with the 'other half' against his/her will.

I think that one should accept if/when a partner wishes to leave - either for a short while or for longer.

I think one should accept that Loved one will age and die, and accept that current forms will change, including the acceptance that partner's beauty will pass away with age.

One can still strive to be lover or a friend again, either in this or in next lives, I think.

I think that one should see a partner as mature person, as one who is liberated from ego, and should aspire for self-liberation as well.