Tuesday 10 October 2017

Timeless Values & Love.

Love as the Way for Enlightenment.

'Though everyone harbors the hope that something or someone will one day bring them lasting happiness, this, unfortunately, does not work in the long run.

No matter how much time and energy, backed by strong and personal expectations, that one might invest, one's "self" (the physical-emotional mixture one believes themselves to be) and "outside" objects and beings change all the time and will ultimately vanish. And so, understandably, none of them can provide lasting happiness.

The only possibility to definitively escape this cycle and experience timeless, highest joy is to go beyond one's existing attachments and instead use means like meditation and a beyond-personal view to gradually recognize the timeless experiencer behind all experiences.

-- Quoted from 'Buddha & Love' by Lama Ole Nydahl.


i think as one fights for love, both before, during, and after living with partner, one should not deny the Refuge - it's how Love can be Enlightening, it's how it can last, it's how it can bring happiness & meaning to lovers', their family's & friends' lives.

'Taking refuge means orienting oneself toward lasting values.

The objects in all Buddhist schools are:
* the Buddha - one's goal,
* the Dharma - his teachings as one's way,
* the Sangha - the realized friends and helpers anlong the way,

and above all in the Diamond Way:

* the Lama - the realized teacher who transmits and is part of a transmission lineage.

A bond with such a teacher marks the beginning of an exceptionally rapid development. This is because the lama connects the student with the timeless methods and wisdom of all Buddhas. He unites blessing, inspiring methods, and protection.'

-- Quoted & edited part of the 'Buddha & Love' book by Lama Ole Nydahl.

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