Monday 2 October 2017

Wisdom & Skillful Means.

Wisdom comes from experience, it's knowledge about life's aspects.

There's Enlightening Wisdom that is neccessary step for Enlightenment, as well as Worldly Wisdoms useful in many other ways.

i think Worldly Ways can support the Enlightenment's Cause, can support others in reaching Enlightenment, can be transformed into Enlightening Qualities.

i had insights - not sure if true - that Skillful Means are Realized Wisdoms.

i had insights - that Realization is a word that explains how real something is in our lives. There are Realization Levels, including Skillful Means' Realization Levels.

i had insights - that Skillful Means can support or counter other Skillfull Means or Worldly Ways.

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