Sunday 27 May 2018

Focus on Dilligence.

Problem & Advice.

I need to gather myself from mess, clean up my apartment to qualify for work. My mind is resisting my wish to do it. I am in psychology reactivation program.

i got following advice from a buddhist friend on facebook:

'Use your intent to battle the false thoughts. Or maybe just try to replicate the behaviour of a buddhisattva - Diligent'

... i've asked:


... he replied:

'Sit down quietly and calm the mind. Switch your focus to what you need to do.

Then do it diligently

That may help make the resistance less potent'.

Blog author's commentary.

... i've used to prepare & focus similar way before martial arts training.

It worked so it might work again.

i trained years ago karate, but didn't apply focus to other activities yet.

i think it's great idea to try.

1 comment:

  1. (EN) this exercise is success so far - today cleaned up a significial part of my apartment. :)
