Thursday 31 May 2018

'Monopoly on Truth' ?

What is Truth?

i like saying: 'Truth is what brings together instead of separating, but honesty is also important'.

Truth can be either relative or absolute.

i think too many - not only of the faith religions - are too exclusive in their beliefs, or too politically correct in following stupid ideas spoken by attractive people.

i think every religion and view has a role, fulfills needs, and i believe that there can be mutual understanding and respect based on compassion.

i think that saying 'Only Buddhism leads to Absolute Truth' or 'Only our God is True', is a sign of being too exclusive.

Too much of stupidity, exclusiveness, fundamentalism, spiritual intolerance, envy or greed leads to conflicts.

In modern times the internet breaks boundaries between cultures, there's immediately available direct contact with very different people.

Without tolerance, understanding, compassion and respect it's too easy to argue, to react emotionally, to enflame dogmatic differencies and view differencies.

It is a responsibility to see each of beings as worthwhile, to understand that we are all interdependent - without each other we won't survive, nor be happy.

In modern times, with advanced weaponry - not only nuclear - lack of responsibility, understanding, compassion and respect can lead to catastrophes, even to destruction of our planet.

It is important to care for others, to support or help those in worse situation - as desperation brings desire for revenge, breeds terrorism, wars and other troubles.

No single religion or view has monopoly on truth - i believe happy families can be together in any society, culture, religion, view or nation. i believe anyone can learn wisdom and practice compassion, can try to develop good relations with other religions or views.

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